I am in Zone 5, Ottawa. I have a few cherry, plum and apricot trees. All cherry trees failed to bloom (unlike previous years) except Nanking white chery (which bloomed but did not fruit either). I have two apricot trees, Scout and Morden604 and both are three year old. Both have some branches with wilted leaves and some branches with fresh looking leaves. It appears that these wilted branches may be on the way to death while other branches have fresh looking leaves. There are no signs of borers or sap running. The cherry trees leafing is spotty and not uniform. It all puzzles me. The only thing I can think of is the winter damage of these branches. I can'r say we had a bad cold winter but may be the plants know better. Is this happening to someone else's trees too? I have a few plums on one tree that I purchased potted this year and planted and it has not gone through the winter here.