Nipple Fruit - Solanum mammosum - seeds available

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by pmurphy, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. pmurphy

    pmurphy Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC
    I have freshly harvested seeds from a 2 year old, seed grown plant for anyone who is interested in trying to grow this plant. I find the seeds relative easy to grow but bringing the plant to maturity is a little more difficult.
    If you are interested in trying, just let me know - the seeds are free.

    The parent plant is currently about 3ft tall and extremely thorny. It is a warm climate plant and must be brought inside for the winter but enjoys the Vancouver summers outside.

    These fruits are poisonous therefore the plant is strictly ornamental

    It is a small shrubby perennial that can be grown as an annual. Related to the naranjilla and tomato, the plants looks similar. Large velvety leaves with prominent spikes. Branches and stems are also dotted with spines and thorns. Pink-purple flowers develop during spring and are followed by the 3" waxy, yellow colored fruit ripening a few months later. Fruits are fleshy, poisonous and contain several seeds. Hardy to around 30F (zone 9b). Plant light full to partial sun and will grown 48 – 60”


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