News About William Mcnabb

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by mariazuppello, Mar 29, 2006.

  1. mariazuppello

    mariazuppello Member

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    milan italy
    Dear sirs,
    my name is Maria Zuppello, I'm an Italian Journalist (more info to and I'm writing a book about the life of Robert Louis Stevenson (the SCottish novelist) in the South Seas.

    In Samoa last summer I met the last descendant of the novelist, Alexander Powney Cooper. He talked about William NcNabb (working in the XIX century in the Edinburgh Botanical garden)and he declared that he was connected to his family. He also talked about green houses and about a woman called Elizabet. Was she his wife? And was Mr McNabb related to the Robert Louis Stevenson family?
    If you can help me don't hesitate to write me!

    Best regards

    Maria Zuppello

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