newly planted weeping maple looks sick

Discussion in 'Maples' started by rosie4me, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. rosie4me

    rosie4me New Member

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    Valdosta GA USA
    I live in zone 8, south Georgia, and bought a weeping maple, very expensive.
    I planted it according to directions two weeks ago and already it looks sick, buds drying up and tips of many branches brown and dead, 2 or more inches.
    My Bloodgood maole shows swelling buds but not so the weeping maple,
    Is there anything I can do to revive this plant?
  2. maplesandpaws

    maplesandpaws Active Member

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    KS -> northern AL, USA
    When you say you planted it according to directions, can you be more specific? What is your native soil? Did you amend it at all? If so, with what? How deep/high did you plant the tree? Did you do anything with the rootball (ie, loosen the roots if it was potbound, etc) or just plunk it in the hole? If at all possible, can you post some pictures of the tree in question?

    It could be something as simple as transplant shock, in which case, if the tree is otherwise healthy, it should bounce back. Or, it there could be many other possibilities, some minor, some serious (and potentially the end of the tree). Answers to the above questions can help determine what might be going on. Either way, most nurseries have at least some sort of guarantee on the plant, so if it does kick, you should be able to get either a replacement or your money back...
  3. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Hm, I'd take it back immediately if possible. Two weeks is such a short time that it would seem like it was in trouble before you got it.

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