Hi again guys Heres a photo of aome mushrooms I took yesterday. Having a hard time I.Ding any thoughts? I flipped one over on the left to get a look at the gill's; same as the two to the right.
Hi Cobain, Thanks for including the gill shot in your photo. I see that one cap is overlapping another cap below it: If they are not too waterlogged, the top cap may have left a spore print on the bottom cap. The colour of the spores would narrow our field a bit. Also to know if this is growing on soil or on buried wood would remove some options, as would knowing if the habitat is eg. forest or lawn. The gills look attached to the stem but I can't tell for sure. But don't go to too much trouble in this case: This looks like one of those mushrooms we won't be able to ID without specimen in hand. The term "LBM" is used for the hordes of "little brown/beige mushrooms" that we have hard work to ID. Also, if you are keen, happily there is a field guide specific to your area: A Little Illustrated Book of Common Mushrooms of Newfoundland and Labrador by Voitk. cheers, frog