Hi all. I joined this site and have researched here and seed store sites and read and read (even about palms which is another story) trying to find the name of this one little flower. My sister in law had two plants of it in her containers, one was red and one was yellow (Williamsburg, VA) it looks sort of like miniature petunias. The flowers are about the size of a nickle and sort of cascade from a bushy type plant (hummingbird and butterflies loved them). I have tried to find on the internet pictures of this plant. I was at Lowes a couple of weeks ago and they also had this plant in one of their already prepared combination containers and I asked everyone what the name was. No one new. This is a very simple small plant but I am just lost. I went back to Lowes with my camera and lo and behold the ONE container with this flower was gone. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.