Wow, I have been trying to find out what this plant is. Succulent is as far as I have gotten. I can use help in narrowing the name down. Thanks Lynn
For my computer, the focus and color look really off, but I did notice a triangular shaped leaf tip; is that correct? If so, you probably have 'spearhead' senecio (also called blue ice plant); species name Senecio kleiniformis. These are blue-green unless the rain washes off the bloom; They like morning sun but light shade during the heat of the day (I've put mine in full sun last year and it did fine). It likes moderate water when growing, little water the rest of the year, needs porous, well-draining soil. It's part of the aster family and blooms appear on long stalks but flowers are tiny. The plants tend to flop over after awhile; you can cut off the stalk and re-plant the top if that messiness bothers you.
Thank you. I looked up a better photo and it matches. I will take your advice and clip and repot. Thanks a million. Lynn