To all of you who, like me, are not out partying tonight, I'd be very interested to know if or what gardening resolutions you have for 2020. Mine are to: 1. Find ways to use less water. 2. Mulch, mulch, mulch. 3. Work less; enjoy more.
Happy New Year to you, Margot! As ever---weed earlier and more often. Encourage native plants. Be more assiduous in cleaning tools! Spend time, more time, simply outdoors---so much to see! Tiny praying mantises (and huge ones), beetles, spiders, worms, birds. Hawk moths and butterflies. Garter snakes! And, not nearly often enough, a stag beetle. All of these cohabitants gladden my heart. We all live together: we all depend upon one another. It is an amazing beautiful world we live in---we can see it right in our own yards and beds. May this new year bring good things to us all---great and small!
In 2019, I fell in love with and committed to all the pretty coleus avail these days — I was missing out! I saved one stem in a glass of water and it has grown roots! (Should have saved more before the frosts) I might buy a mix pack of seeds fr Stokes and see if I can grow some coleus — I really like the street name series (sunset Blvd etc) Résolutions incl more sword ferns // tidy up all the containers I think I need // plant spring bulbs in the autumn ;not Dec) .... and Fr a design point of view - no more new plants —- instead plant another if one I already have ... it sounds dull but it ends up looking way better.