I am presently trying to update my web site information on the Japanese Maples to show a photograph of each plant in Spring, Summer and Autumn, together with a close up of the leaf and then a photograph of the whole tree. I will also try to give an idea of how large the plant will become where I have that information I will be taking the appropriate pictures this year of each of my plants. It promises to be a time intensive exercise :) You can have a look at what I have in mind in the test page on the link below, although the photographs here are not just as perfect as I would like them to be. Let me know what you think, or if there is anything else that would be helpful that I can add :) http://www.fujiyamagarden.com/AtroTest.html
if you could add the age of the trees, it would be useful. i like the more distant picture with the Maple and the Pieris Forest flame changing colour nearby.