I purchased 2 new cuttings about 3 years ago. The were almost dormat for 2 years. This year the vines grew to about 20 feet long, but with no flowers. They have not been pruned. Is this common or is there something I should be doing?
Where in Delta? Some sections of the actual delta lands are very heavy, slow to drain soils, other areas in N Delta and Tsawassan are well drained sands and gravels which will grow great grapes. Two years of "almost dormant" isn't a great beginning, but it seems they are on the way now, so let them go dormant again this winter, then prune them for next year. Check this site: http://mtvernon.wsu.edu/frt_hort/grape_pruning_basics.htm Pruning Grapes in Home Gardens If you have the clay soil, there's no practical way to ammend it for these vines, but you could possibly add drainage to lower the water table near the plants. The main problem is the long wet season saturating the root zone and drowning the plants. When they are dormant, you can also take cuttings for new starts and see if they do any better. http://www.bunchgrapes.com/cuttings.html Cuttings Good luck, Ralph