Hi all - I've been trying to find this plant on-line for my mother. The pic is from her garden...she can't remember where she got it, and isn't sure of what it is. All she knows is that she loves it, and would really like to know its name. I've been trying to find it on-line through various searches and can't find it. That's more due to my lack of gardening knowledge than the resources available, I'm sure. Thanks for any input -it puts me way closer than I've gotten so far, I'm sure.
Anemone. Possibly x hybrida. http://www.google.co.uk/search?um=1...=1938l6281l0l7735l5l5l0l4l4l0l265l265l2-1l1l0 Welcome to the forums!
Wow, thanks for such a lightening fast reply. I Google'd your answer and lots came up. It seems to be the September Charm branch of it all. My mom's gonna love this. Thank you again! :)
Japanese Anemone (Anemone hupehensis) http://www.mobot.org/gardeninghelp/plantfinder/plant.asp?code=H310