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Discussion in 'Caudiciforms and Pachycaul Trees' started by yolinvill, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. yolinvill

    yolinvill Member

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    Delray Beach, USA
    I live in south Florida and have 4 ponytails. The smallest one was in a pot and came with the house. It looked dead. Transplanted and its very healthy and about 4' tall. A friend had 6 small ones in her front yard and asked me to dig out 2 of them. Both went in pots and are very happy 3 years later. The tallest is about 6' tall. About 2 years ago it appeared to die. I left it alone and eventually it started 3 new growths out the top. The other one is only about 4' tall but has 5 trunks growing out of a very large ball. Anybody seen that before? They're all about the same size. I should probably get both of them in the ground soon.

    And then there's the Grandma Tree. It was probably planted in the back yard 25-30 years ago. The trunk above the root ball is 4' in circumference. It has branched off many times. Right now there are 19 ends that are starting to flower. I just pruned last years seeds and want to grow them. Anybody done that?

    Look forward to learning something here.
  2. markinwestmich

    markinwestmich Active Member

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    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    Welcome to the forum, and yes, your experiences with Beaucarnea (Ponytail Palms) are relatively common.

    There are a few threads describing the "coming back from the dead" experience and how to create multiple branches. In the photo gallery, one of our members, has posted some great photographs of their large, flowering Beaucarnea. For a plant that is relatively common, we get quite a few questions regarding its care. I think, primarily, because some will take the "Palm" name literally and mistakenly, and not know that it is a arid-climate plant related to desert agaves and yuccas.

    Your seed should be sown in the Spring with the soil temperature about 68*F/20*C.

    The Caudiciform and Pachycaul Tree forum is relatively new, and we encourage you to share your experiences, photos, advice, etc.

  3. yolinvill

    yolinvill Member

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    Delray Beach, USA
    Hey markinwestmich,

    Thanks for the reply. I moved to FL in 1980. Moved from Ann Arbor. Actually worked in a furniture factory for a while in the mid 70' know back when Grand Rapids still had furniture factories.

    I'll take some photos and attempt to post them. I haven't looked but I'm guessing it has to do with the manage attachments button.I'm taking the seeds to a friend of mine who loves to grow from seed. His favorite method is to plant a bunch of seeds in a well drained kids swimming pool in the middle of some banana trees. About how long after they sprout should they be transplanted and what's the smallest container they should go in as space is an issue.

    If you know of any good sites for information like this could you please pass them on when you have time and thanks again for the speedy reply.

  4. markinwestmich

    markinwestmich Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
  5. yolinvill

    yolinvill Member

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    Delray Beach, USA
    Dear markinwestmich,

    Thanks for the starter info. If I find anything more complete I'll pass it on.


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