Can anyone please help me identify what this is and if it is edible or not? I found these growing along my fence line. We have had a lot of rain this year so maybe that is why they popped up? Any help will be appreciated. Glorybe
It doesn't match any edible I know (and i've eaten about 120 species). Could be a Clitocybe or such, but i'd need a spore print color and better photos of it.
I agree Rob, The way that they are cluster formed and the coloring does resemble the 'cybe' or MAgIc, either way looks suspicious. I wouldnt eat em, if they dont look like a bolete or chantrelle, im pretty leery of the things I find growning at the fence line.
Thank you for the response...I really need the help. The spore print I first did on white paper did not show so I had a dark blue which did show either a light pink or a white.. Sorry I am learning how to do this.
Looks like a Gymnopus sort of thing, but yes I agree it is hard to peg little beige mushrooms. cheers, frog
Frog is right, the stem here is very very characteristic of Gymnopus. check out for an example of this genus.