New to Forum - Mass ID questions

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by magus678, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. magus678

    magus678 Member

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    First, let me just say there is obviously a LOT of knowledge on this forum, I'm quite impressed. This brings me to my second part:

    I have a lot of plants that need ID'ing. As in, like seventy. I will be upfront about my purpose; I have a botany class and this is a requirement for the course. I only have a few weeks to do this in, and I simply do not have the time available to both collect and ID every one of them myself. The field manual we have been using is actually available for free online, so anyone who is interested in helping would have access to our class reference.

    I am aware this is no small request. I would even be willing to set up some kind of paypal thing in order to compensate people for their time if they were so inclined. Life has simply gotten in the way this semester, and I do not foresee being able to get this done on my own.

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
  2. SusanDunlap

    SusanDunlap Active Member

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    California, United States
    You might try using a new resource at
  3. dt-van

    dt-van Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    If you haven't done the course work and learned what was being taught then perhaps you should retake the course rather than paying others to do your assignment. Being "upfront" about it doesn't convert cheating to an honorable activity. I assume you were not planning to be "upfront" about it to your instructor.

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