First of all, I would like to congratulate everybody taking part in this project. Now, here's my problem - it will have more than one question - and please be patient with me, since i'm a total zero in botanics. More then 16 months ago, beeing bored, I planted some Pomelo seeds neer my decoration plants' roots. Couple of weeks later, some tiny green leaves were heading up from the soil: Heureca! They are alive! I have my own Pomelo trees! I was very happy and excited, because for the second time (first was in grade six) I had my trees-from-seeds. Now the questions: 1. I use soil brought from gardening stores. Can i go further with this or shoul I buy something else?* 2. I don't use any fertilizer, since I'm somehow "Bio" partizan. Should I use one?* 3. I would like to have more than Pomelo trees. Where in Montreal area I can find some good lemon, orange, tangerine and other citrus grafts? 4. Since our climate is not the frendliest, during the automn-winter-spring season I will keep them inside. In the summer, it's healty for them to move them outside? *=total newbie, please help :D
1 and 2 are answered by reading through the threads on these forums, as they are answered repeatedly - shouldn't be too hard to find. As for 3 and 4, I'll have to let someone else step in. Finding citrus plants in Canada can be difficult, but not impossible.