I just got an Acer palmatum Ryusen I really wanted it as a patio tree in a big cedar planter box, but Im wary of being a worry-wart whether it will dry out in summer, or whether it will freeze over winter. I live a burb of Vancouver 6B and the average temp right now is going to be Sunny & 17C, 4-7C over night for the next week or so. I feel that I should get it planted ASAP either in ground or planter. I'm already worried about it getting cold roots in the nursery pot. Any thoughts on it as a container tree vs in ground. Should I avoid a planter box?
I can't really speak to what would be better to protect your tree because my climate is so much different than yours (9B), but in my humble opinion, the Ryusen looks best when it is either planted in a very tall pot or in the ground where its branches can drape down a hill or retaining wall.
I concur with keeping it potted, at least for now (though definitely you want to check the root ball; it's likely root bound and will need to have some of the roots teased out, then placed in a larger pot). What you can do, if you're concerned about the roots getting cold in winter, is either double-pot it (ie, put the pot into a larger pot, preferably one you would also have enough room in to put a good layer of mulch in between both pots) and put in a sheltered area, or, the best solution, 'plant' the pot in the ground in a sheltered area and mulch well. This will keep the roots well insulated. Then, come spring, just dig it up, and you're good to go. :) Next year, you can then decide if you want to keep it in the pot longer term or, if you do want it in the ground, keep it in the pot while trying out different locations in your yard to see which it likes/suits it the best. Once you've found the ideal spot for it, then you can permanently plant it. You'd be surprised at how often what you think is a great spot for a tree ends up not being so great...
Thanx for replies, I repotted it in a planter I already had for now, it's from Costco, that light weight resin/plastic. I would like to keep it a patio tree to provide shelter for my fountain/bird bath. That's about as close as I can get to have it draping down over a pond, (I can pretend can't I) I can also keep it on rollers to move it to shade if need be. I would like to put it in the ground over winter, but, that's one big hole, as would be another pot. I was brain-storming & thought of the foil jacket I have on my hot water tank to save energy. Seems that would work..hmmmmmm I could cut it half and double it up? Has anyone ever used something like that? Does it sound reasonable?
I ended up putting the Ryusen in the garage to be safe. Being new to having potted maples I also must ask, When should I put them back outside? I also have a Mikawa yatsubusa (OMG..beautiful, see pic) which is also in the garage. If I wait till last expected frost date, that's not till Mar, 26th. That seems too far away. I see my Katsura outside has started preparing for spring with deep red growing branches, so it seems the others should be outside too...I don't know? They are both supposed to be good in 6B, but that's in the ground..Hmmm... appreciate the help. Forecast shows avr. temps 8c high, 3c lows for next 2wks, a couple days -1. It is possible for cold snaps in Mar., but not often, usually Feb. is our coldest mth. Thoughts...... I also had to add (not so great) photo of the Ryusen color in Fall, I had no idea, gorgeous, I couldn't stop looking at it.
You will know when to put it out because the buds will start to swell. In my neck of the woods, I have more of a problem than you have with warm/cold snaps in March and April. Therefore, I wait until as late as possible. Sometimes I have to bring them all back in for a few days if it gets too cold. The only problem in the garage is they tend to want to leaf out earlier than the "guys" outside. I would think for your area all you would have to do is wait until until bud swell, and you'd be okay. You could even wait until you see them almost ready to leaf out. I have my Ryusen in a tall container and it has been put into the garage the last two years and brought out. Seems to do fine. Kay
With those sort of temps in the forecast I would be tempted to move them outside now, and only bring them back in if it gets seriously cold, say below -5c. The sooner they go outside the sooner they get back on nature's schedule, versus the accelerated schedule of the warmer garage; should help them to not leaf out too early.
Thanks, I put them out last week, the Mikiwa is starting to leaf out already, guess I should have had it out earlier. I have it on my porch by door undercover in a corner, it should be protected from frost I hope. I take it I should I keep it there till no signs of frost, our no-frost date is Mar28th. Correct? I put the Ryusen out in the open on patio, it doesn't really have any swelling buds yet so it should be ok there. Thanks again...still learning.......
Japanese maple roots are not damaged unless they get below -10 degrees C. Even in a pot, it would take a prolonged period of bitter cold to freeze all the way through the pot and damage the roots - especially a larger pot.
Thank-you all for your help, they are both doing great. Another question though, when referring to keeping these maples out of full fun, does that mean even sun now, or the really only hot summer sun July/Aug 22C to 30C temps? For instance the next week here will be sunny with temps of only 14c to 19c. Can that spring sun hurt new leaves?