Hello everyone, About two weeks ago, I had two pygmy plams planted in my front yard here in Corpus Christi, TX. 4 or 5 days ago I noticed that fonds' tips are turning brown. I have been reading about this and it seems that this can be the result of underwatering, overwatering, and/or lack of magnisum. I have a sprinkler system and it might be overwatering issue, I have been checking the soil under the mulch and it seems moist all or most of the time. Also, I had my lawn fertilized about a week ago with a fertilizer that helps the rooting of St. Augustine, so some granulars may have reached the palm trees during the process. It has been too windy for the past two weeks. I am attaching a few pics seeking your advice. Also, I am attaching a pic or a "Red Sister" that has been planted at the same time next to one of the pygmys and it shows some sort of a similar thing. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hi, just wondering if you ever were able to determine what it was that may have been doing this - underwatering, overwatering, fertilizer??? I'm having a similar issue with a windmill (fan) palm, although my situation could be completely different and I'm in the Pacific Northwest... -Tom