New Pro Green Movie

Discussion in 'Plants: In the News' started by Barbara Lloyd, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. Barbara Lloyd

    Barbara Lloyd Well-Known Member

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    Anacortes, Washington, USA
  2. anza

    anza Active Member 10 Years

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    I thought at first before clicking on the link, that 'Green Eggs and Ham' was going to take on a whole new meaning and life of it's own.

    It's kool once you go through watching the trailer and then click to enter their animated world. Kids should be very entertained.
  3. Barbara Lloyd

    Barbara Lloyd Well-Known Member

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    Anacortes, Washington, USA
    Anza - maye if we educate our kids our world can be better. I don't care how it happens " Dr Seuss or what ever. We need to let kids and adults know that we need to take care of our planet or we are in trouble. Barb
  4. anza

    anza Active Member 10 Years

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    When I was growing up, young people were encouraged to join clubs and groups that dealt with natural conservation and then later ecology groups gave rise to important issues with regards the environment. Today, though there are still many environmental groups and other ECO/Green organizations and movements, but their power and influence isn't what it use to be. If you just get out into the real world where ever you live, there is a sense or feeling that most people are disinterested and actually oppose any new environmental rules and regulations that might impede their personal material prosperity and it's not the fault of just one political ideology, it's all of them.

    If this website is going to help young ones, then it's the kids Parents who need to get involved and interact with them and help them every day to take responsibility for how they conduct their lives. Sadly families are not doing this so much anymore. Fathers now days rarely take the lead anymore. And it's not just in the industrial countires, but millions upon millions in the 3rd world don't even consider eco or green solutions, especially when you are desparate to do whatever it takes to feed and care for your family.

    I have a friend here in Sweden from west Africa. He says that many[this was also verified over here on CNN Europe's show - ECO-Solutions program], that many in Africa are cutting down the Savanah forests to burn and create charcoal for use in the industrial nations. Unfortunately they have no concept of replanting after you clear cut, much the way early pioneers did in North America.

    Even as ECO-Green as Sweden is promoted in the country's propaganda brochure, the average person here really doesn't care anymore and especially young people. They are not that strict Secular Socialist generation from the 60s, 70s & 80s that was going to prove to the rest of the world how to live life and properly take care of business. Somewhere along the way they forgot to inculcate such responsible qualities in their kids.
  5. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Toronto, Ontario
    Barbara - I've been waiting for it eagerly, and it looks like it's going to open here in Ecuador in about a week (at least, that's what my local multiplex is saying - we'll see if it comes true. The Muppets were delayed for a month by forces unknown).
  6. Barbara Lloyd

    Barbara Lloyd Well-Known Member

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    Anacortes, Washington, USA
    Good! I was hoping it would get down your way.
    Last Sunday we were driving thru the Skagit valley and I got to see my first juvenile,Trumpeter Swan. They are HUGE! There are Bald Eagles everywhere, 10 to 15 to each bare tree, and the snowy owls are around but haven't seen any yet. Ain't nature grand? barb ;)))

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