I am confused. Is this the only general place (feedback & troubleshooting) that I can post a new thread? When I have wanted to post a new thread, I have had to pick a particular forum to enter it, but my posts have not got to the "new posts", so no one will see them unless they go into that particular forum. Likewise, when I click on to "new posts" I like to think I am reading everyone's new post regardless of which forum it belongs. I'm sure I used to be able to do that. Am I missing something here?
Hello Greenfingers, When you click New Posts, it will bring up all the post that have been entered since your last visit to the forums. I think that generally your own posts do not come up because you view them before you log off. Occasionally if you are taking a lot of time to go through the posts, the page will expire (you should be able to go back to it in your browser history). If you are not using a tabbed browser (like Mozilla or Firefox) and you click to follow a link to another site you might lose the page of New Posts as well. (You can open the link in a tab on the above browsers, while keeping the current page open.) I think the system works well, because I get an email of every post and it matches the New Posts. For those who want to follow certain forums or threads it is possible to subscribe to them. Click the Forum Tools or the Thread Tools button to set up an email notification of new posts. Go to the same place to turn it off.
After posting I clicked New Posts and this thread was listed. It may be a good idea to check for New Posts before logging off, so you do not miss posts made during your visit.
New posts behaviour has been changed with the software update. Instead of determining what is a new post for you via some cookies, it is now handled internally by the database. It splits "what's new" into two categories: 1) threads with new posts in them since your last visit to the forums, and 2) threads from the past week that you haven't read to see the latest. I hope this will be considered an improvement!
so how do we clear the long list of threads that we choose not to visit although they have unread posts in them? or can we? like a "mark all threads read" choice or something?
Paul, off the main page of the site, click on "Forum Links" in the upper navigation bar, then click on "Mark Forums Read". That'll clean it out.