Hi everyone, this is my first post but i have been reading quite abit around this section. i am wondering if my plant is getting enough light i have recentaly got it (think its about 3years old). i am living in university in southern england with a south east facing windo. the room is warm enough for the plant and i am watering and feeding it corctly (prity sure i am anyway) but i am wondering if supplementing the plant with extra light will be benificial. i will be restricted to quite a tight budget as i am a student so i have been looking at getting a compact floresent light bulb with a screw fitting so it will fit into a normal lamp and just put that on a timer to add extra light hours and add to the natural light. wondering what sort of bulb i would need, grow lights are alot more expensive but i believe that they produce more blue colours what plants absorb so are more effective. but i have come across a 'daylight' bulb that is 25W a output of 100W and has a temp colour of 6500 and a colour index rating of 85. this bulb is reasonaly cheep but i am wondering it it would be worthwile and help the plant or is it a wast of money? or are there other cheep more effective ways to help my plant? any advice would be much apreaciated :) thanks.