Hi - I am a new mbr (star gazer), new at forums. I have a question regarding my ficus tree. It is 4 years old and just recently the leaves have started turning yellow and falling off. On the underside of the leaf, close to the branch there are small white teeny round soft bumps (bugs) but they don't move. When I removed them, there are dark spots. The plant has sat in the same place, indirect sunlight during the day - closed up office at night. I have a water guage that tells me when to water the plant. Does anyone know what is happening - does it have a disease and if so, how do I treat it?
Hi Star Gazer, You probably have either mealy bugs or aphids. The aphids come in many colors. Take a look here to id. http://woodypest.ifas.ufl.edu/aphids.htm http://www.pdis.org/ImageLibrary/ImageDisplayTest.aspx?BasicCriteria=mealy bug You can use insecticidal soap for both. You may want to check to see if your tree needs to be repotted. Newt