new lemon tree shedding it's leaves

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by bjlemon, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. bjlemon

    bjlemon Member

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    yakima, wa. USA
    I recently purchased a lemon tree from a green house. It is getting cooler outside so I am keeping it indoors. I have watered it very little since bringing it home a few weeks ago. The leaves are dropping off and are still green. The soil is moist and it doesn't sit in the water that drains through. It has green lemons on it and had several blooms which have also fallen off. What can I do to make it happy again? bj
  2. Millet

    Millet Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Denver,Colorado USA
    If the tree is setting infront of a south window in direct sunlight, be sure that the soil in the container is at least at 64F, and better at 70F. Due to evaporation, just because your house is heated to 70F does not mean the tree's soil is at that temperature. Until you can maintain the soil at these temperatures, move the tree out of direct sunlight, or hang a sheet between the sun and the tree. See this web site - Millet

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