I'm in NW Arkansas and I planted a new Kousa about a month ago, on a slope, in full sun to the south and the tree is experiencing leaf curl and loss of the blossom's. A couple of weeks back we had alot of rain and now experiencing 90 degree days for about a week. Is this a fungus issue or simply not enough water?
You are in my area. OU huh? what about RazorbackScott! Maybe you could post a pic. I have seen plenty of Kousa in full sun and hot locations. It could be experiencing some transplant shock since it was planted in April? Best time to plant would be in the fall or later. Dogwoods are very prone to transplant shock and have to be pampered to ensure their survival.
OU's kind of my roots so to speak. . . Thanks for the insight. Are there any special things you would recommend that would lessen the shock?
Obviously from here I can't tell what is wrong with your tree. I have learned not to panic when newly planted Kousa don't do very well. They sometimes take a little time to start to look good. Perhaps this is from transplant shock as suggested above. A couple of trees that suffered the worst when planted are now very handsome specimens.