Hello Plant Enthusiasts, I am just learning the art of caring for plants, in general. I just received a juniper bonsai as a gift. It is about five inches tall, see attached photo. I live in Montreal, where you likely know, the temps can be quite cold in the winter, especially at night. I've been reading a little about these plants and it is suggested that I put it outside for the winter. Does this stand true for such small plants? Is it OK to put it outside mid-late winter, even though it has likely been sitting in a relatively warm store in the recent past? Any suggestions? About anything at all in regards to this plant. How should I take it from here? Thank you. Be well. Nicholas
Like other plants in small pots this bonsai cannot be left out all winter in a cold climate, you must provide an intermediate environment where it is neither as hot and dull as a typical living room nor as cold and bright as the great outdoors. Your plant will need a cold greenhouse, cold frame, bright garage window or similar cool and bright but not freezing spot to overwinter there. In summer it can and would prefer to be outside, in a partly shaded area. During hot weather watering must be monitored closely, and roots and top will need to be pruned annually to maintain dwarfness and original branching pattern.
Ron B, It seems that you have a good grasp on these things. Thanks for the info. I have a few other questions as I get acquainted with this bonsai. As you can see it has a tuft of yellow moss at the base as well as pebbles on the soil. I don't really like the pebbles. Are the moss and the pebbles necessary? Do they serve a purpose? Also, I went to the website of the bonsai farm that the plant was purchased from. I read that I should water it by submerging the pot 3/4 of its height in water. Would you agree? thanks. n
With the top of the soil covered (as it is now) you should be able to water over the top. Remove and replace moss and rocks with something you like better. Bonsai is involved, like keeping a pet. There are some that have been maintained for centuries through diligent daily attention. Should someone ever drop the ball with one of these and forgot to water it one hot day or leave it out to freeze and die during frigid weather the cumulative results of the efforts of others going back a long time will have been destroyed. Basically what your juniper needs right now is a cool bright greenhouse, it is not likely to last long as a house plant. Try to find or prepare an acceptable location for it as it will probably not wait very long for suitably conditions to be provided. It is not a tropical plant and might, in fact even be hardy outdoors in your climate if it were growing in the ground instead of a bonsai in a tray.