Removing the turf allows roots to breathe C, it is very easy with turf there to get compaction over time. I prefer a circle of the canopy diameter as a rule of thumb. Totally understand you didn't want to question Dad after all his hard work. You sound like my eldest daughter, she never wants to upset me.
Great to know - I'll take it off in the morning. So Ive revealed the base of the trunk, where it starts to flare (attached photo - hope it's clear enough). I'm unsure how much further the trunk continues beneath this flare to be honest. But I'm hoping this will suffice since there's a fair few roots there? Hopefully that makes sense haha! Yes he's just a lovely guy, the most selfless man I know - I'd never want to offend or upset him! Your daughter must feel the same way about you :)
Yes thats good C, lots of air to circulate and no soil on the vertical trunk. All should be good now. Now enjoy the rest of your garden planning. Your underway !!
... I'll never been able to have such a well-tended garden. :-( About removing the turf : that sounds like a good idea.
Is that because the French have always preferred to grow for the plate and not aesthetics. You are well known for your cuisine over there as we all know. I wonder Alain, did you grow up in a garden of vegetables rather than plants and trees? If so that might have rubbed off !!
Haven't been on here in a while, life got busy! Update on this one, doing well but looking a little messy!
Good evening C, it's looking good, don't worry about aesthetics, especially this year. Only do a little tidying later next month, but nothing drastic.
Evening! Thanks for the reply. Yes I'm not intending on doing much at all this year - priority is of course to get it established in its new home. The fact it's getting shaggy pleases me, at least it's happy!