I was in Barthelemy maples today and bought a copy of what I believe is a new guide to Japanese maples. Apologies if I'm wrong. Grafting is shown in great detail with photo's. Here's a link to the book on Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/Illustrated-Japanese-Maples-Garden-Planting/dp/0993213308 John
The page you linked to appears to be saying the book dates from last month. If that's what was meant by putting Paperback - Apr 2015 after the title.
It looks good from the preview pages on Amazon... but £15 for 130 pages in paperback? Looking forward to Jaybee63's review before I splash the cash...
Ah,I'll probably see the guy from Larchfield trees tomorrow at the Kent garden show,he's usually there.Maybe he'll let me have a flick through ha. He had an ok Mikawa last year but wouldn't budge on price :( but otherwise his prices are reasonable. Ok John,make me jealous,what else did you buy? :)
An 8 to 9-0 Beni Otake, already have one, love this tree. A 7-0 Seriyu, again I have one already that I've grown from a 1 year graft which has now reached 6-0. 3 litre Toyama Nishiki, this will be my 3rd, but the variation was stunning. One that I already have also came from Barthelemys and has amazing varigation this year, the large one which came from Wisley just doesn't compare. I bought Hana Matoi in winter which I thought was meant to be an improvement on Toyama Nishiki, I'm not so sure and need to be convinced. Lastly Uki Gumo, again this will be my 3rd, but the colours are stunning this year, same as the ones in my garden.
Still reading the book. There are some stunning photos with clear detail of the subject tree being shown. It does incorrectly state that every named cultivar comes from a selected seedling, no mention of brooms or mutations. The book covers grafting and cultivation in great detail. Summer grafting is recommended for beginners. The advice with supporting very clear and detailed photo's of the grafting process are great very detailed. It's worth it for anyone wanting to graft. The book also recommends watering newly ground or container planted maples with a sugar solution to promote root growth. There are pictures of the root systems of container maples watered with and without the sugar and the difference in root growth is unbelievable. This is new to me, I read a lot of gardening literature and have never heard of this, and sugars cheaper than the mycorrhizal fungi. The authors state the sugar encourages the growth of beneficial microbes. John
Ha ha,I knew it,I've gone green....Yes I'm unsure about Hana Matoi too.I think seeing Charlie's specimen may have built up my expectations...maybe when older it'll show it's true colours. S'funny,for no reason at all I gave some seedlings a solution with Dextrose to see what happened...didn't notice increased growth so didn't continue but wasn't looking at the roots.Maybe worth trying again(or with sugar)for a longer spell for the reasons you give above :)
The book states 30grams or 2 table spoons of granulated sugar per litre of water. The trials they did and photos in the book are of the difference in root growth after 6 weeks which is incredible. So this is a recommendation for newly planted maples, whether in pots or open ground. It mentions that they were concerned that ants might be attracted but this was not the case. It's also mentioned that a harmless mould can develop on the surface but disappears and does no harm. Lastly it's mentioned that a crust forms on the surface and helps control water evaporation whilst a root system is being formed. Apparently microbes feeding on the sugar make nutrients in the soil more available to the roots. I'd recommend the book, it's well worth having for the in depth cultivation and quality photos. John
(Regarding the sugar feeding the microbes - blackstrap molasses has long been known to boost soil microbial activity and is often used by organic gardeners. Essentially a byproduct from the production of refined sugar, blackstrap has the benefit of containing many trace and ultra-trace minerals in addition to being a food (sugar) source for microbes.)
Hi Maf. Where would one find blackstrap molasses and would you suggest trying the granulated sugar? I've planted a few maples this Spring and fancy giving this a go. John
Black treacle is the same thing as blackstrap molasses. I have never tried using sugar or molasses on maples, and the author of the book has experience in this area where I do not. I may experiment with it this year and would definitely pick the treacle/molasses over the regular sugar, because of the extra trace elements. The dose I have seen recommended for blackstrap is 1 to 3 tablespoons per US gallon, (15-45 ml per 3.8 litres), which is quite a bit weaker than the sugar dose recommended in the book. If the application in the book is a one time only treatment then I can see why it is more concentrated, but I wouldn't like to use this strength regularly. I once bought some expensive organic fertilizer to use growing container vegetables. It was only after buying it that it came to my attention that I had bought a liquid form of molasses at about 10 times the price of black treacle!
So, converting the sugar/water to gallons, that's roughly 1/2 cup sugar to 1 gallon of water. Converting that to molasses (1/3 cup molasses for every 1 cup sugar is the substitute), then it would be 1/6 cup molasses per gallon. I think I'm going to try this.
Thank you Maf for the informalion. The book recommends a treatment when planting and then another 2 treatments at weekly intervals.
Glucose is more and more often used in bonsai cultivation. Some buy glucose pouches from their pharmacy and use it as a spray on leaves to boost trees.
If the glucose is to boost the roots system and the ground then should it worked for all plants incl. vegetables?
I would guess so as the book states sugar feeds and increases microbes which in turn release or make more easily available nutrients within the soil.
If you read about this elsewhere on the internet drawbacks including lack of flowering and eventual deterioration of the plant - which can actually become smelly - are repeatedly mentioned.
They state just 3 applications at weekly intervals only only for newly planted individuals. I've been away, but now back I'm going to try this with newly planted maples.