sorry about the wrong attachment Hi, I bought a hibiscus tree (on clearance, due to relocation) from a reputable garden centre four days ago. The leaves are turning yellow and its loosing about 5 a day. It was quite dry when i got it home, i have given it water and a slow release fertilizer (17-5-24). Its in a pot, but may be pot bound (there are small leaves comming out the holes in the pot). I have checked for mites but haven't seen any, i washed the leaves with a mild solution of dishsoap and water and a very soft cloth just in case. It's in a sunny southern exposed large window. I'd really like to see what colour the flowers are as i bought it with out a blume on it. Is this just shock because of the move? can I hope for a recovery? Thank you in advance Mary
While it's hard to overwater a hibiscus, it's possible that it's planted in lots of peat, which makes it very difficult for water to drain away when it should, and yellow leaves are a sign of that... while they need water quite often, if the soil's constantly wet, that's not particularly healthy. Get it out of the pot to check if it's rootbound - no other way to tell, and consider adding a handful of grit to the mix for faster drainage when you repot. They can usually take all the sun available.
You mentioned the plant was dry when you got it, this is most likely the cause of the yellow leaves. Hibiscus prefer to have a consistent moisture content and show their displeasure by dropping leaves. There's no need for too much concern as each leave node contains three areas that can produce leaves and when pruned above that junction, leaves will sprout again from that area. Also remember that when you fertilize the soil should be moist or you risk burning the roots.
thank CanHibiscus, yes it was wet when i fertilized it, and have been making sure it been getting water every other day and the pot is well drained.I'm looking forward to breaking the cycle of buying a plant taking it home and killing it.
Good luck with your new plant, if there's anything else I can help you with please feel free to contact me.