Ok I moved to the country recently and today I was out back cutting some wildflowers with scissors and then started cutting back weeds after that. Now I fear some of them may have been poisonous, I have 5 kids and need to find out so we can get rid of the bad ones before they play out there again! The first 6 pics are of this shrub but it had some vines along the ground which I cut, and you can see in the pics of them cut on the ground, part of the shrub has red berries but the other part has tiny clusters of yellow berries, and it's hairy looking at the base. the last picture is of it from far away. Now the next 2 pics are of a different area where the dog is at times. These 2 are going up a tree and I really am leaning toward them being poison ivy(I didn't touch this one) This is maybe just a small tree? And is this maybe a virginia creeper? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me....I can't go to sleep as I am imagining being itchy LOL..............oh yeah I live in Missouri :)
You're correct on the Woodbine all the rest of the vines are Poison Ivy. The trees are Mulberries The herb is Chenopodium album, Lamb's quarters. HTH Chris
Chris, Thanks for your reply! Ok so I was right on the creeper, I am shocked! Are you saying the first 10 pics are poison ivy, the next one a mullberry, and what one is a herb? Oh my I hope I don't get poison ivy, I was careful not to brush up against any, but washed the scissors with my hands :( Anyone else care to chime in?
poison ivy can grow as a vine, a bush or a tree. it spreads quickly if nothing is done about it, too. sorry, you're full of poison ivy there!!
The one in your dogpen is Lamb's Quarters. The tree proper is a mulberry, and everything else is Toxicodendron.
Thanks guys :) So the mulberry tree is the one with the yellow bunches of berries and the red berries & the poison ivy is just all around it then. I was freaking because the leaves on the tree itself are in groups of 3 looking like the rest! I have to say it is weird how at the base of the tree there is all the hairy stuff where no poison ivy is attached. I read lamb's quarters are toxic to pets so I will have my husband hit them with the weedeater then. So what is the next to last picture anyone know? And is it fine to just leave the virginia creeper be or will it spread out of hand or anything? Thanks guys as you can see I have no idea about plants! I am growing tomatoes for the first time ever and they are going great surprisingly!!! Carolyn
Thanks again :) I just feel like my yard is so unsafe now for the kids! We will get a ton of roundup then and start trying to get rid of the bad stuff!
I'd never heard of Lamb's Quarters being toxic to pets, interesting. We had tons of the stuff in and around our yard when I was growing up and our pets never bothered it. I did a quick search and it appears that it is on the toxic list for pets, which is mildly ironic, people can eat the stuff. We used to boil it and eat it like spinach, it's actually quite tasty!
I know that's what I read too! They say when it is cooked it loses the toxins. I have a boston terrier that is constantly eating anything outside, we live in the country so he roams a bit and one day he found a tube of red lipstick and his face and paws were covered in it when he came in!! Well so far so good no sign of any poison ivy on me whew!