I'm new to the vegetable garden. (2nd year) My tomato plants are 6' to 7' tall (lots of varieties) but only a few tomatoes and all appear to be cherry....my green beans are like an invasive vine yet never flowered or produced green beans.....my peppers had their growth stunted at 10"....my carrots are still teenie tiny....my summer squash, zuccini, cukes, pumpkins, butternuts (9 each) are big and leafy but little or no product... I have more cukes that are ball shaped than cuke-shaped......what's up with that? Is it all the rain, humidity and little sun, or is it too much fertilizer....or anything else?
With all those problems, the Supermarket produce must look like manna from heaven. Plants need nutritious soil, sun, adequate moisture. How about some pictures of one plant at a time? What area is your garden? Start with the tomatoes. A good look at the plant, and I can determine the possible problems. At first look, it appears too much nitrogen fertilizer has been spread, but this is without seeing pictures. A few pictures of the soil would be of assistance.