Let me introduce you my new dwarf conifers... Jan wbgarden http://wbgarden.com/nove/Dwarf%20conifer%20garden/Top/default.htm
They are fabulous ! I'm curious though -- is your Pinus x pseudopumilio TemelÃn, shown at http://wbgarden.com/nove/Dwarf conifer garden/Album1.htm named after the TemelÃn nuclear power plant, or just the town near by ? ....what is the origin of the name ? This is of particular interest to me, as I happen to work in the (Canadian) nuclear industry. Thanks Jan !
Hi Jaro, sorry I am late with answer. Of course superior dwarf conifer Pinus x psp "Temelin" is named after the czech nuclear plant. You know more than thousand witch´s brooms of pines was found in Czech rep. during last five years. Can you imagine how difficult is find new origin name in such a situation... Well boys, said foreman, all witch we´ll find to day obtain name after elektrical plants...it is clear ... http://wbgarden.com/nove/jes/index.htm
Maybe so many witch's brooms are found there BECAUSE of the nuclear plant... naaah, just kidding. Is this a hobby, Jan, or are you finding and developing these plants for the marketplace?
Hi, kidding is fine,. but Maria Curie Sklodowska took first uranium /smolinec/ from Czech resources..., and as to conifers hobby is only big, more than 30 years. As to profession I was a film dramaturg, cartoons films, evening story for children, you know, but if you want something to buy, I mean dwarf conifers, tell me, please... Jan http://wbgarden.com
I will second KarinL's request for a list of items available for sale, and would also like to know whether there are authorities in the CR who can issue phytosanitary certificates. Thanks in advance.
Hi, Two days ago, group of twelve university professors from Europe Canada and Japan visited my dwarf conifer garden – wbgarden.com. My dwarf conifers are allways perfect, but profesor Mr. Shinjo from Kyoto university could not take this gift / enclosed image / from me, because phytosanitary. My only one pot with origin, rare 10 years old dwarf pine derived from witch´s broom is not A bomb, or full ship of iris bulb with japanese beetels or lucky bamboo mosquitos. Yes, I understand the law, but I am not big nursery boy, I am only small dwarf conifers collector with maybe 3000 dwarf ornamental tree in 2000 quadrat meters garden. Now I can sell some small amounts plants to whole EU, and it is not problem for me to do all necessary phytosanitary steps to arrange all stamps and signs necessary for big container transport to EU... But why, have you ever seen 30 years old Pinus leucodermis „Schmidtii“.., how many scions you can take from this conifer ? Ten, twenty... ? Take more and Schmidtii die…. All supermarkets could be full of rare grafted dwarf conifers, if propagation of this beauties be ease. It is not lucky bamboo... You can see supermarkets mostly sell thuyas., chamaecyparis etc. not excellent grafted dwarf conifers. Some years ago I´v been asking on some forums.., I´d like to change some small amount of conifers scions 10 to 50 in normal envelope / not full big container ships / with conifers collector from USA.. Bob F. answer me that is very dangerous. By the way Jaro, have you Chief.... KarinL and Jaro contact me, please. on my e-mail, enclosed to wbgarden.com. If you want of course. Thank you. Jan wbgarden