I planted emerald green cedar hedges about two weeks ago. They seem to be loosing the green color to them and going brown. I have been watering them every couple of days and it hasn't been to warm. Spring like conditions in Northern Ontario some sun and average 10 degree temperature. Does anyone have any ideas to help me out with this problem. I don't want these to die on me so if their is something to turn things around I would like the help. Thanks John
You're probably drowning them. Poke around in the dirt next to them, including inside original rootballs and see what the moisture situation is. These can also brown out from pathogenic disease organisms and mite infestations, although the latter are associated with hot and dry summer weather later in the year. Shots of 'Smaragd' hedges with dying individuals here and there are not rare on the internet. Overwatering may kill simply by suffocating roots or it may result in water molds attacking and killing. These are brown algae relations that swim around in dirty water and enter plant roots. These may also produce stem cankers and attack foliage directly, for example the recently prominent and alarming sudden oak death (Phytophthora ramorum).
It seems that my cedars are not regaining the colour. I have cut back on the watering and have checked the soil with everything looking good. They seem to be getting very brittle and stiff like they are dying. They aren't soft anymore and aren't growing will they come back to life if they have died? I'm new at this and don't know what to do. They are beautiful 6' trees but not doing so well at the moment. Can anyone help.
New to find out why they are going brown, something not really possible here without even pictures. Seek local help, from trusted independent nursery or government agricultural office (down here we have USDA Cooperative Extension offices and volunteer Master Gardener clinics).
I can send you pictures if you would like to see them? I just don't understand why they are staying brown and getting brittle. Let me know if you would like pictures. I am going to ask at the garden center this week. Thank for your help.
Putting them up on a web site like this one will get the most action. However, all anyone on the internet will be able to do is look from afar and comment.