I need to install new flower and shrub beds directly under 50" conifers and right beside large established boulevard deciduous trees. I have done it many times in this type of situation, but I get frustrated with the need to topdress with fresh soil almost each year, and fight tree roots growing right up to the surface. Has anyone tried using for instance fibrous landscape cloth as a first step to then install soil over top? Or does it reduce and mess up water drainage and/or lessen availablility of ground water? Is there a different cloth designed for planting over top? Fran
Filling under trees is a possible problem scenario. I definitely would skip the weed barrier. And tree wells don't work, if you are adding so much material the trunk ends up in a well you are adding too much material.
Thanks, Ron. I would "well" the tree as a graduated area perhaps 3-5' of root collar level around the trees, and a gradual berm up to 12" or so in between the trees. It would only be a well, in that the surrounding areas would be raised to support plants above the dense roots. In the city in small properties there is much request for beds amonst trees,( always a challenge) and I was hoping for new ideas of how to improve on the soil conditions and support of healthy plants, within this scenario. Fran
Very light (potting medium) type soil mix as shallow as possible safest. How much filling you can get away with depends on type of tree, type of soil (existing and added), watering practices...