I am new to this forum, and sure could use some help in a specific area. I don't know exactly where to post it, so I'll start here. I have recently taken over management of a large RV resort in Washington State. This resort uses cedar trees exclusively as a perimeter wall, and to define each rv site. I have hundreds of these trees here. I know little about the care of these, and really need all the information I can get. Some of the things I would like to touch on are : 1) Watering. (This is usually a wet area, but in the summer, do they require alot of water ? I notice some dry, bare areas.) 2) Insects. (Are cedars prone to any insect infestation ? Do they require preventative pesticide treatments ?) 3) Fertilization. (Do they require any type of fertilizer ?) These items, and any other additional help would sure be appreciated.
1) depends on the soil drainage pattern and rainfall. Generally once established they dont require much attention for water other than the drier parts of Summer. 2) Watch for spider mites and tip moth. preventative pesticides? simple answer, no. Not so simple answer, investigate IPM (integrated pest management) practices. :) 3) Maybe, you need a soil test to determine average mineral content of your soils before anyone can accurately suggest a fertilizer program or product. 4) Consider hiring a consultant to take you through the property and give you a landscape care plan for a yearly scope of work. Investing a couple of hours of time with a knowledgeable person can save you a lot of headaches. 5) although this should be #1, properly identify what your 'cedars' are. Thats a common name for a number of different plants, to be the most accurate you NEED to know what plants you are talking about.
Thank you for your input, Mr. Buikema. This is very good general information that I need. I will take your advise and do a 'walk through' with a local landscaper, as I also need to know about trimming these plants. (Time of year, etc.) Then, I guess, when I finally identify this 'type' of cedar, I can go to the next level for more information. Cheers !
GROOVY, eh ????? Either I saw you at WOODSTOCK in 1969, or Canada is 'slightly' behind the times in 'hip' expressions. My VP of Operations is still saying "right on !", but now he's got me saying "cheers !". Strange, eh ? (There I go again) BTW - This RV resort is one of about 10 owned by a Canadian company out of BC. We are the only resort in the states. The others are in BC, and Alberta.
Topcat, With Deference to Mr Buikema, there may be another source of info for you. The Washington State Forest Program. (To coin a phrase from Lorax - 'they speak for our trees'). Our Rep here in Skagit, San Juan & Island Counties is Al Craney @ 360-428-4313. He can tell you if they will look at your trees. May not since it is a private entity, but he has offered his services to our Master Gardeners here in Skagit Co. If nothing else he can, first, let you know if they will help and also give you the name of his counter part in Whatcom Co. Barb.