In the Southmost corner in my backyard, there is a hedge of i want to say more than ten year old chinese privet (overused in my book). But anyways, in the southmost corner where the fences meet, i started to pile up; old grass clippings, excess from pruning, and twigs. Over the years it has built up a really nice mound of compost (which i use from time to time). It is not a real pretty site, and with the patio facing and looking towards that direction, it needs something. I had a few ideas, one was to make a natural wildflower "hill". And being a Michigander, there are numerous, beautiful varieties to choose from. Another thought was to incorporate rocks, and maybe some perennials and bulbs. I should mention that i have at least 15 to 20 ft. to work with. I am a broke college student, but i am a hard worker whom has a passion for art, any ideas or plant ideas are welcome. And i will spend my money on something i enjoy in the long run; boulders, plants, etc.. Again thanks, and im keeping my mind open for suggestions, any would be greatly appreaciated!!
Sounds like a fun project. Design should begin with bones; what you want to see in the off-season. If it is all snowed under maybe it doesn't matter... except for shapes and such. Given a hill, I would consider the possibilities of rock and draping plants with some upright accents, with spots left to be punched up by whatever else you like to grow - that will look good when you want to be looking at it. My own preferences are for anything but a wildflower meadow as I like structure and order, but your taste has to prevail. Just do the hardscape first, and then think shape of plants before you actually select the plants. Think about focal points and overall shape. You've got a nice unified backdrop in the hedge, so can get away with a pretty action-packed bed.
thanks! your right, i should start thinking about these concepts. I didn't even think about off-season, and snow. I needed another perspective on the subject. Hardscape first. then shapes. then plants. Thanks Karin! Rob
You might want to keep your compost corner too. So maybe you could screen it with some scavenged trellis and paint and plant it. Or put some tubs with tall plants in front. See if you can find some interesting tubs, pipes in a recycle or rubbish dump. Possibilites are endless. Liz
Ha! i never thought of that, that would be another very exciting project! I would love to make some sort of "border", or enclosure around it. And i think you have inspired me in doing so. Thanks Liz!!