I just noticed my two needle palms have mealybugs. They are 15 gallon size, growing indoors under halide and sodium lighting. I recently purchased them in Florida, and now 1 month later, MEALYBUGS !!!! Florida is a little far for me to do a return. Got em at a fairly good price so whatever will be, will be. Here's my question - Rather than start up a chemical treatment regimen, which will be difficult, if not impossible to do, I was thinking of just placing them outside for a while to hopefully freeze those buggers off. The needles were at 57 degrees inside, but I boldly placed them outside yesterday at 33F, and the temps dropped to 15F overnight. The plants look great despite the cold shocker I put them through. Since they are so cold-hardy, i'm really hoping for this to do the trick. Can this work without killing the palm ? Since they're not coming back inside, I guess time will tell. Anyone ever try something like this before ?
Hi Phillypalms I would not put your needle palm out with that great of temperature difference. Instead first physically remove all that you can then look into buying some neem oil or safers soap. Or If you can buy some Cryptolaemus montrouzieri they are an excellent predator for mealy bugs. You should quarantine your plants if its really bad. I have 11 needle palms in my greenhouse. Four of them are 15 gallons and a few in my garden never seen any mealy bugs on any of my palms. Good luck Brian
Thanks for the reply Brian. I left them outside for 48 hours so far, and they look unaffected by the cold. It's 30F right now, going up to 40F today. They will be coming back in tonight before the snowstorm hits. This is my first encounter with mealybugs, and these plants just came from down south, where they were in a overly-packed greenhouse. I am positive the problem was already manifested, but stupid me, in a hurry to get home, purchased with haste, not noticing anything until after they were under the intense lighting. Oh well, since i'll be off on Wednesday due to the weather, i'll have all day to mechanically remove whatever I can see on the plants.The tough part is finding the bugs. All I see is the white fuzzy looking stuff here and there. Can't seem to find the actual bugs. Wednesday will hopefully reveal some. I was just hoping a good cold shock might kill them, but spare the cold-hardy palm. Thanks, Alan