Need Tillandsia Display Idea

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by martyz8, Dec 8, 2008.

  1. martyz8

    martyz8 Member

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    eugene OR USA
    I've been collecting tillandsias for years from Mexico and Central America, and some purchased locally. Unless they have a flower bud when I get them, they cannot bloom in my home environment. I recently read that I can hang them in a protected outdoor area where they get sun, breezes, and rain, and they bloom and multiply as long as I protect from frost.

    This seems like an excellent idea; I have a protected deck---does anyone have any information contrary to this idea? I am in Oregon, Z8, sunny summers, long, gray, rainy winters. I would love to grow a mature, huge mother tillandsia, like I have seen in Belize.

    Does anyone else love tillandsias?
  2. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Toronto, Ontario
    (Daniel, this needs to go to Indoor Plants Discussion, I think; Tillandsia aren't Aroids)

    I'm in the tropics, and many Tillandsia are nuisance weeds for me. (Spanish moss and mini Tillies on the telephone lines, anyone?) This said, your plan to hang them outdoors should be fruitful for you. However, be aware that once your bromeliads bloom, they'll die and you'll be left with the much smaller pups.

    And your only hope for a big mother bromeliad like you've seen in Central American forests is to build a hothouse onto your existing house and stick it in there. Without the really tropical temps and humidity, size is always going to be limited.
  3. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    (finally moved, sorry it took so long!)

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