I am working on a some ideas for a paper for my botany class, and I came accross a couple of plants in the greenhouse that I thought looked interesting. There were no labels on them, but I would like to know what they are so I can begin researching. Here are some pictures (sorry for the low quality) Plant One: This plant is about two feet tall, and it is covered in little silver looking hairs that feel much like a thick felt. The hairs cover both the stem and the leaves. The stem has little sprout looking circles the entire length of the stem. Plant Two: I believe this is some sort of a fern. The leaves are very small as you can see. I had problems identifying because it appeared alot of the plant was dead. It was growing in soil with alot of moss in it. http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e335/rileyfan88/PlantOne1.jpg Best Regards- Jason
Well, plant One is a succulent; it reminds me of Kalanchoe spp although I've never seen one develop a stem like that.... Plant Two is too blurry for me to make a positive ID. Perhaps someone else recognises it?
First one looks like a Kalanchoe beharensis/Velvet Leaf. Not sure what plant is in the second photo..
3rd vote for Selaginella on the 2nd photo... 'most of it looking dead' sounds about right, habitated in moss sounds right, overall look looks right. Can't tell if it's rainbow Selaginella ('Peacock Moss,' 'Rainbow Fern,' Selaginella Uncinata) or what have you, but everything seems OK down to Genus.