Hi, I live in Vancouver, a month ago bought a very nice scented shrub from Home Depot (after some research on internet I found it's "Orange Jessamine, Orange Jasmine" I am not sure so attached its picture). Problem: Problem is after couple week lossing leafs very fast (falling leaf "green ones"). Condition: I keep it in door Temp: 19 to 22 C, Light: Close to window for light (but there are not much sun these days). Water: Water it twice a month (every two weeks).Some times add some 20-20-20 Others:I Transfer it to new pot after couple of days and added some mushrom manuer. Question: 1) Am I right about shrub name? 2) What is happening to it? 3) What could I do to prevent and keep it healthy? I appreciate you time and help Thanks, Khash
needs lots of light. especially here during winter. dont water by the calendar, water by need. see what the plant uses and see when its best to give it more. generally dont fertilize during the winter as the light intensity is low and the plant will be trying really hard to grow (as it has the nutrients) but it wont have the sunlight needed tp process them properly, it creates stress and scraggly weak growth. if you can, put this plant outsidde after danger of frost has passed, in a bright but not direct sun location. fertilize it a bit and it should prosper.
Your plant is indeed an Orange Jessamine, Murraya paniculata. (It comes up quite often in these forums.) I have one growing behind a south-facing window with temperatures in the low teens (Celsius) and high humidity this time of year. Under these conditions it remains healthy and needs very little water. Since it appears to be dormant I do not fertilize it. As for your plant make sure it's not exposed to cold drafts or drafts from heat vents. If you have central heating the humidity level could be low, too low for this plant. Humidity level can be checked using a hygrometer. If it is found to be low you can place the pot on top of a water-filled pebble tray to raise it. Also make sure you're not over-watering as it prefers a well-drained soil. Hope this helps.
I also purchased an orange jessamine from the Home Depot in the last few months. It has overwintered beautifully in a north-facing but brightly lit window near a heating register in our Calgary home. The shrub has produced a few very fragrant flowers and 2 seed pods, and is loaded with tiny 'capsules' which are either new flowers taking an interminable time to develop, or seed pods from last years' flowers taking an interminable time to develop! I've had no trouble with loss or yellowing of leaves. I water it frequently (never letting it dry out), and am now (February) resuming fertilizing. I plan to stand it outside through the summer months, and anticipate lots of flowers at that time. Good luck with yours! I think this plant ought to be much more in demand than it is.
I'd like to please tack a question onto this one: I have the same bush, which I bought when I was looking for a "Lakeview Jasmine" and could only find "Orange Jasmine." Are they the same plant?? Thanks! Suzanne