looking for online chemical info, toxicity, residue (in laymans terms) etc for fertilizers, pest control formulas - any suggestions for where to look?
pest control info online If you have a particular problem in mind (dandelions, etc.), then a good place to look is www.pesticide.org/factsheets.html They have a list of specific problems and solutions- mostly non-chemical, but there are recommendations for "safe" chemicals to use. For information on properties and types of fertilizers, and when to use them, a good place to start is www.uog.edu/soil/fertft4a.html this site does not mention brand names however. If you are concerned about chemical safety, the certified organic association of BC has a detailed list of chemicals that are and are not organic farm certifiable. You can use it to check on products you are thinking of using, but what can't be used on an organic farm can be safe for home- organic standards are very strict! But again, it's a good reference: www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca/Standards/section8e.htm A Rachel Carson site about chemicals also has a large list of common chemicals, but only harmful ones are listed- you can use it to know what to avoid! http://members.aol.com/rccouncil/ourpage/samples.htm If you want to check up on a brand you are using or are concerned about, you can check the chemical company's website. I hope this helps you, feel free to post any further questions!