Need new perennial vine for pergola

Discussion in 'Vines and Climbers' started by Amers, May 11, 2007.

  1. Amers

    Amers Member

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    Southern Ontario, Canada
    Okay so we moved into this house last year and I am just getting to know my garden. We had a vine growing across our pergola (trellis topped structure over a patio) that grew very quickly with tendrils and had purple berries and red leaves in the fall. I think that it was Porcelain Berry but I can't be sure because my husband killed it. We didn't like it much anyway because the berries stained the concrete, attracted too many birds and in June when it flowered, it dropped a lot of stuff which ended up in our food and drink. So, what to replace it with? For this year I may use an annual, any suggestions for full sun? For the long term, I need a perennial that will grow quickly to provide shade, preferably doesn't have berries, with or without flowers that loves full sun. TIA, I am a gardening newbie but love it!
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Well, they all drop some sort of rubbish. Maybe you should put up some decorative latticework or run lath strips across.
  3. Diane W.

    Diane W. Active Member

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    Try a clematis. There are lots of varieties - they have lovely flowers, don't have berries, most love the sun, grow rapidly once established and they are easy to care for. They love climbing over pergolas, through trees, etc. One of mine is called Summer Snow - it gets cut down to about 18ins. every Spring but by July is 20ft. high, climbing through a large shrub. For lots of info. on clematis, go to

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