Could someone please give me an idea to the name or family of this plant please? I bought it out of Ikea Glasgow here in Scotland a couple of weeks ago but there was no name stick or any label stuck to the pot. The only information I can find is from the website link above, I was in the store again yesterday but absolutely no information is shown in the plant section or the display shelves for this item. Many thanks to my Canadian cousins for their help & friendship:) take care(((everyone))) Andrew Lang
From the link . . . "Billig Potted Plant" The pics are not clear enough to see what it is, but 'billig' is Swedish (IKEA is based in Sweden) for 'cheap' ;-)
apologies for my having a webcam & not a digital camera to suit requirements of this forum lolol. I'm not that interested in technology. If you click on the link I attached, my poor plant is the one on the left which looks like grass to be honest. Take Care.