I would like an identification of a flowering tree,( I am attaching pictures) It has clumps of orange flowers. This tree is in a yard in New Orleans. This property's yard has not been altered since the 1840's. Thanking you in advance. Nuance
Welcome to UBC forums! Looks like Erythrina sp. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=e..._AUoAQ&biw=1536&bih=728#tbm=isch&q=erythrina+
Erythrina crista-galli According to http://www.aerulean.com/plants/1793, it Attracts wildlife: hummingbird Plant part consumed by birds: nectar Plant features: deciduous Exposure: sun Propagates by: seed flowers in fall flowers in summer Soil type: well drained USDA Zones: zone 9 to +20 f, zone 10 to +30 f, zone 11 to +40 f Temp. range: +20 to above +40 °F Water: moderate