I've inheritied a beautiful house plant, but I have no idea what it is or how to care for it. Click here for some pictures. I appreciate any info you might have!
i think it might be some type of Aralia but not sure wich one .. i know ive seen that plant before .. sorry i couldnt be of much help .. Marn
It's a Croton, but not sure which one (you may be more familiar with the ones that have large (4-5" long and 3-4" wide) leaves of brilliant red, yellow and orange with stripey, spotty patterns).
check out this website ..and scroll to the bottom and look at "Sloppy Painter" that might be it .. http://morningstarnursery.com/croton.html Marn
I think it has to be a croton if anything. Wow! Those plants are beautiful. No wonder I love this one. Now that I know what type of plant it is, how do I care for it? I am having a hard time finding general information on how to care for crotons. Thanks for all of your help!
this info is on a different Croton but im sure the care is about the same for all .. and im sure this care wouldnt hurt yours.. Keep your "Autumn Plant" from cold drafts. Cold air will cause lower leaf drop as well as watering with cold water. Water with tepid water as the soil dries about three or four inches from the surface on larger plants. Allow the soils surface to dry down about one inch on 6" and 8" plants. Let the soil dry to the touch on very small plants. Feed bi-monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Keep an eye out for Spider Mites... for some reason they like these plants. good luck Marn
I keep this plant in the kitchen right beside my fridge. I bet the reason it was losing some of its leaves was because whenever I dropped ice on the floor I would just put it in the plant... oops! So, Do you think miracle grow would be okay to use on this plant? Thanks for all of your help!
oooppss .. talk about a lil shock and WAKE up .. lol.. :) i wouldnt do that anymore ... i do believe it said it likes room temp water .. so i would just leave the water out over night .. and fert once in a while .. Miracle grow or Schultz Liquid Fert .. i prefer that one .. and i would mayb think about moveing it away from the fridge .. they give off alot of heat off and on and it mayb bother the plant .. experiment .. once you stop doing the ice thing :) and it is still dropping leaves .. then move it .. if it isnt and doing good then leave it .. Marn
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help! I will try what you suggested. I love this site and am finding it very helpful. Thanks again!
your welcome .. there are alot of great people here and they are so helpfull .. i wished i knew more about the outside plants and stuff im the indoor plant nut :) Marn
So, your name is Marion... My name is Dottie. I just wanted to tell you that I looked at your web site and I must say that you take the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen! My favorite is the Christmas Tree Hunt. I would love to do that one Christmas... unfortunately we always have an artificial one. One Christmas my husbands family cut down their own and it was covered in ticks... OOPS! Anyway, very impressive! Dottie
HI Dottie .. yes that is my name .. i just use Marn for a net name .. have been for about 7 yrs now :) we have been doing the Christmas tree hunt for the last 3 yrs and always a interesting story by the end of the day .. last year was that my blazer 4x4 caught on fire trying to get out of the snow that was not fun when we thought it wasnt out and my brother in law yelled RUN ... and we all left it thinking it was on fire still but luckily he did put it out when he was trying to .. and the year before we almost went off a cliff when the Jeep got stuck in the snow and we had to get pulled out of the mountains part ways by another 4x4 and that wasnt fun either cause if he went off the cliff we went with him :( and the year before that my brother in law got stuck in the snow and almost went off the cliff so the trip ended there but we found a tree ..lol.. but it is a fun day and we all enjoy it .. we really head into the mountains and always deep snow .. but it is just a cool thing to do .. sorry you guys ended up with Ticks .. YUCK ... i never even thought about looking for things like that when we get our trees .. lol.. thanks for the compliment on my pictures ..i really enjoy photography :) Marn