We have tree's growning out back which have different kinds of berry's on them. Here is one that is covered with deep purple or black colored berry's. Also there are vines which snake up high in the tree's (my sister says they are edible grapes, and she calls the vines tarzan vines). anyway they do look like grapes but I want to be sure, before anyone eats them.
5 and 6 looks like a species of wild grapes, vitis aestivalis? fits with what I can see of your pictures found a link that could be usefull, can look up other species there aswell, http://www.cnr.vt.edu/DENDRO/dendrology/syllabus/factsheet.cfm?ID=130
Thank you all for your replies, I am learning so much about the plants and trees on my dads land. I never knew how interesting it could be, I am having so much fun exploring and taking pictures. I checked out those links and they definately do look like buckthorn and grapes. I have some more to ID, will start new thread. I don't know if thats how your supposed to do it or not..