I just recieved a little clump of this plant and the lady mentioned it was a miniature form of a dianthus (sweet william) .. this plant looks like moss balls.. or rocks covered in moss .. and it blooms very tiny tiny little flowers .. what is the name and how can get this to root/grow transplant it .. i would like to have this survive and get it going in my yard .. it is so cool looking .. pic of the little clump i recieved .. thanks in advance for any help with this .. Marion
Marn, I think this would grow in a pot of good soil and kept damp in a protected sunny place. Liz http://www.abc.net.au/gardening/stories/s1866693.htm
Thanks .. but the link is of the "usual" sweet william.. this was a really different kind ... it just looked like mounds of moss .. really cool looking .. i wished i had taken a pic of it .. :) Oh as far as a warm sunny place ... lol... we just had 2 inches of snow last night and it is still on the ground this morning.. here in NE Oregon .. i just hope my seedlings survive ..that were just sprouting .. Marion
Possibly, but doubtfully, Dianthus erinaceus - 400 species of Dianthus along with many cultivars. Plants growing here at UBC are in well-drained soil with full exposure to the sun (these bun-shaped types are generally alpine plants).
Thanks Daniel .. that looks like it ... I just couldnt rmeember the name of it .. and it is a bun shaped plant .. looks like moss growing all over rounded rocks .. it is really tight and compact.. this lady had it growing really well in her yard .. she had 2 huge mounds of it .. Marion