Hello everyone, i am new to this fantastic site, i have some problems with the identification of some plants, can anyone help me? You can see the palnts here: http://img413.imageshack.us/my.php?image=photo1rx6.jpg http://img146.imageshack.us/my.php?image=photo2be0.jpg http://img405.imageshack.us/my.php?image=photo3ug9.jpg
It is a fern... someone may be able to identify it but I sure can't, especially without knowing where it grows - is it something you found in your local area, or is it a conservatory plant...? Also it would be better if you post photos in the thread, rather than links - these load quite slowly.
Thank you Karin, i found it near the entrance of a vertical pit, at an altitude of 1000m near Athens, Greece. It is worth to say that it is the first time i see a fern like this in this mountain and to tell you the truth in the main body of the mountain there are no ferns at all. I will follow your advise for posting photos...