hello every1! i just got this plant on 7/1/06, and have no idea what it is. the person that gave it to me did'nt know either. I would like some info on it. my questions are, what kind of light does it need, watering, ect. ect. if any1 knows please post, this plant was given to me buy some1 speical. PLEASE HELP! Ineedhelp in CT.
It's called a Black Eyed Susan Vine and the scientific name is Thunbergia alata. It needs a sheltered spot with full to part sun...though it's not going to like a very hot dry place. Don't let the pot dry out. Perfect plant for a deck or balcony where you can water it regularly.
thank you so much for the info, sorry its taken so long to respond, had puter problems, :( is there any special care for winter? i would like to keep it in the pot it came in then move them out next spring. thanks again!