Need help with plant ID

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Shrn, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. Shrn

    Shrn Member

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    Washington, USA
    Ok so back in the spring, when I was preparing my garden, my GSD ripped open a 35lb bag of wet potting soil in my dining room and decided to rip my seed packs open as well. After bucketing and sifting through as much dirt as we could extract from the carpet for my seeds, I got all my squash and cucumber seeds out and noticed the swiss chard seeds were missing as well.

    I found a handful of small black seeds (by the bag) which I assumed were them and stored them. Once I got my soil outside I planted the "Swiss Chard" and once the the ones I planted started sprouting (red stalks with two green leaves) we had and abnormally hot day and they all got scorched. To my surprise, over the next week these identical sprouts started popping up all over the garden and I assumed these were the lost seeds.

    Now that these plants have grown (some three feet tall) they are very obviously NOT swiss chard and I'm left wondering what the heck I've been tending these past few months. They are starting to bloom tiny white flowers with yellow stamen. I wonder if I bought another seed pack I forgot about or if the company somehow screwed up. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Start by comparing with Chenopodium album.

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