Need help with Lisbon Lemon tree

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by marfern, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. marfern

    marfern Member

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    Sahuarita, AZ
    I'm new to gardening and I'm not sure what type of bugs are on my tree. I noticed that my lemon tree has what looks like worms on the leaves. It looks like they are eating the leaves on the tree. I see areas where the leaves are fine and then some have holes or towards the middle of the leaf or towards the ends. I have also noticed what looks like white spiders. They are really tiny and I can't be sure if they are or not but I have noticed some webs on the leaves. Does anyone know how to get rid of them or what to use?
  2. gardentastic22

    gardentastic22 Member

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    Pictures would help but its probably just caterpillars which you would spray with confidor or white oil and i wouldnt worry about the spiders but pictures would help to make sure thats what they are.

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