I just got this plant today. I figured out that it was a Peace Lily but I inside the pot is another plant which I cannot identify. Can someone out there help me? Thanks.
Thanks very much. It lookes like that is exactly what it is. I've been looking at pics online. I would never have guessed. Thanks again. Any ideas on proper care?
Sure. They like bright, diffuse light. Brighter than what is usually given to Peace lilies. Quite a lot of water, as do peace lilies. A light and airy potting mix with peat, and plenty of perlite/vermiculite. High humidity if possible. A fertilizer with a higher phophorus content (middle number), but not too much. People tend to over-fertilize. I've summered mine outdoors in a dappled shade location, and that sucker bloomed all summer long. Yours looks a bit young, or possibly a bit choked out by other plants (?) to be blooming, but you never know. I would be tempted to remove it from the large pot and repot it on its own into something smaller. I've topped mine with moss (on top of the soil level), and misted the whole plant and moss daily. Keeps the humidity up. Hope that helps...